Jesus expands the boundaries we draw of who can be invited into relationship with God.
Beautiful World-#2
God asks Abraham to walk up a mountain and sacrifice his only son. At first it seems like a brutal story, but at the end, it’s a story of God’s provision.
Beautiful World-#1
The Tower of Babel is a story about a people who want to build a city and a tower because they want to be better than everyone else.
Hermanito-Little Brother #3
At the end of Titus, Paul advises his friend to keep going, even when things get tough.
Hermanito-Little Brother #2
The second chapter of Titus encourages all of us to be people who don’t just preach the good news, but live the good news as people of character in the world.
Hermanito-Little Brother #1
A church is divided by people who insist on hanging on to old traditions, even if it excludes others from coming to faith.
I'm Fine-Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression, although different, are strange bedfellows. We often think we can handle them on our own, but we can’t. In order for us to be spiritually healthy, we need to be emotionally healthy as well.
I'm Fine-Anger
Jesus teachings on anger are some of the most revolutionary teachings.
I'm Fine-Addiction
Our good friend Colby Cuevas spent some time with us talking about recovery and how we’re all addicted to something.
I'm Fine-Shame
Emotional and Spiritual health starts with identifying the guilt and shame we feel sometimes. But we aren’t defined by those things anymore.
Gracias-Week #2 English
In 1 Corinthians 12, the writer lists a series of ways we can contribute to the kingdom of God. But we often use our gifts for our own glory rather than God’s.
Gracias-Week #1English
When the widow drops a few coins into an offering, she teaches us all that everything we have belongs to God.
To be part of a community is just that, to be part. If we are going to be one body, then we need to understand how we work together.
We live in a culture that encourages us to keep faith private, to not talk about it. But when the church in Thessalonica comes to faith, they cannot help but impact their world.