April | May Reading List

Below is the reading list for Origins weekly sermons. As we preach through various portions of Scripture, we encourage people and small groups to read along with us. The following pieces of scripture will relate to the teaching the following Sunday. 

Note these readings are related to the sermon series we will be doing in April and May, but since we aren’t going straight through certain books, these passages bounce around. 

For more information on these passages of scripture, visit thebibleproject.com. 

What is S.O.A.P.?

S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It is a way of getting more out of your time in God's word. We did not invent it, we just decided to provide this guide for you to study the scriptures together.
How does it work?
It's quite simple. When you sit for your daily quiet time read the bible as you normally would with one simple difference. Underline or make note of any verses that jump out at you with special significance. This is the basis for diving deeper and using S.O.A.P.
After you note the verse or verses that seem significant to you, take time to write these four things down.
Scripture-Write the verse or verses that stuck out to you in your reading. You can show the verses and even have them read to you with the click of a button. No copying and pasting blocks of text. 
Observation-What did you observe about the scripture that struck you. This can be one sentence or a whole book. 
Application-How can you apply the observation so that it affects your life today. 
Prayer-Write out a prayer to God based on what you just learned and ask him to help you apply this truth in your life. 

That’s all there is to it! As you continue your study, bring these written observations and applications to your group and discuss what you wrote down

4/2/18-Galatians 1
4/4/18-Galatians 2
4/6/18-Galatians 3

4/9/18-Galatians 4
4/11/18-Galatians 5
4/13/18-Galatians 6

4/16/18-Ephesians 1     
4/18/18-Ephesians 2
4/20/18-Ephesians 3

4/23/18-Ephesians 4
4/25/18-Ephesians 5
4/27/18-Ephesians 6

4/30/18-1 Samuel 8    
5/2/18-1 Samuel 9
5/4/18-1 Samuel 10

5/7/18-1 Samuel 17    
5/9/18-1 Samuel 18    
5/11/18-1 Samuel 19

5/14/18-1 Samuel 20
5/16/18-1 Chronicles 21:1-17
5/18/18-1 Chronicles 21:18-30

5/21/18-1 Kings 11:1-25
5/23/18-1 Kings 11:26-42
5/25/18-1 Kings 12

Photo Credit: Moose128